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Mannaerts Moreschini & Associati 2M Studio Legale Associato
Legal firm
Mannaerts Moreschini & Associati is an independent boutique law firm with offices in Rome and Milan, availing itself, in the event the urban planning matter or judicial case so requires, of a network of trustworthy local advisors, including lawyers exercising their profession in the Tuscan Region.
Its lawyers received their training at prominent law firms in Italy, The Netherlands, and New York, and are registered with the Bar Associations there. The firm therefore operates predominantly in the international sector, thereby assisting foreign clients with their interests in Italy and providing support to Italian clients wishing to expand abroad.
The firm’s partners and associates are specialized in the fields of Commercial Law, Corporate Law and M&A, Construction Law, Cross Border Planning, Litigation & ADR, Family-Owned Business & Private Wealth, and International Family Law, including Matrimonial Property.
The firm also provides interdisciplinary services as a result of the collaboration with its Of Counsels, renowned experts in the fields of Labor Law, IP and IT Law, (inter)national Tax Law and Criminal Law.