Digital & ICT

Innovation Community and Tech District



For centuries in Tuscany, the future has been the guide and inspiration for extraordinary minds. Visionary minds that know how to grasp the long-term view. Today, the native homeland of Leonardo Da Vinci offers a unique concentration of scientific competences in fields such as the technologies of Photonics, Optoelectronics, Telecommunications, ICT, and Space.

The scientific departments of Tuscan universities and the institutes of the CNR have achieved world renown. Tuscany’s strength in the sector of information and communication technology lies in its development and cooperation model, characterized by an environment where companies, academia, research centers, and public administration are all closely connected.

Transforming visionary ideas and projects into pro-ducts with strong commercial potential in the Digital & ICT sector is the mission which guides the work of the regional technological division.

Chose to Invest in Tuscany

International operators such as Wolters Kluwer, General Electric,

Research and Development Sectors

Photonics, Optoelectronics, Robotics, Telecommunications, ICT, SPACE, electronic components and RF, on-board software and ground segment, data processing and downstream services, and GPS and GIS services and software.

Main Research Institutions

Regional University System (Florence, Pisa, Siena),
IFAC (Istituto di Ricerca di Fisica Applicata “Nello Carrara”),
INO (Istituto Nazionale di Ottica),
IBIMET (Istituto di Biometeorologia), ISTI (Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “A. Faedo”), and INAF (Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri).

Sector data

Leading factors
why to invest


Many international companies have set up their headqarters or their subsidiary in Tuscany


Thanks to the continuous collaboration between companies, research centers, academies, and the public administration, Tuscany is a leading region in innovation in the Digital & ICT sector. Among the main sectors for investment we find: big data, ICT for management, media entertainment, open source and open data, aerospace technology, telecommunications, and photonics. There are three Tuscan universities that are active in research and development in the Digital & ICT area for a total of 19,000 active students. There are numerous international companies in the field which have set up their headquarters in Tuscany, as well as many research projects that have been initiated by regional universities and academies that have gained the support of the rest of the world.







Software production, IT Consulting and related activities


Information service activities and other IT services


Innovative startups and SMEs in Italy






2 €Bn


3 % 

of the italian Digital & ICT turnover

33.2 €M

from Italy’s Development
and Cohesion Fund
for Tuscany

36.75 €M

from FESR and FEASR EU
funds for digitization

83.3 €M

for regional budget
2021-2025 for digitazion,
simplification and innovation in Tuscany



involved in Digital

19.000 Students in scientific field
2 Superior Graduate Schools

Leading in research and development

Tuscany is one of the world leading regions in terms of research ICT thanks to a unique model of collaboration between industry, research centers, academia and public ones.

Excellence and innovation make it possible to

transform ICT into products with commercial potential, in partnership with international companies and Hi-tech centres.

Synergy between public and private research

Thanks to the technology transfer model
4 Business incubators for ITC companies
F.O.R.T.I.S. for ICT local cluster.



Life Sciences

Yacht Building


Smart Industry

Transport & Mobility


Prestigious Assets

Business Locations

Can we help you?

Personal data treatment

News ICT

Bio Europe Digital 2020

Invest in Tuscany will attend to Bio Europe Digital 2020, the largest European Life Sciences Conference, taking place on October 26–29. This ...

Gsk invests 16 million in the Smart Lab

The multinational pharmaceutical company reorganizes workspaces according to flexibility and adaptability. July 8, in the Gsk campus of ...

Esaote Partnering Day – event

Thursday 19 December 2019 in Florence, at the Presidency of the Region of Tuscany (Sala Pegaso, Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati): Esaote Partnering ...

Ready for BIO-Europe 2019!

Where: Hamburg. When: from 11. November to 13. November 2019. What: the international forum to promote business development between ...