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Ivano Canteri
Placemarketing, Strategic Plannig & Advisory
Expert in international strategic planning, investment attraction and economic and territorial promotion, for public administrations, clusters and companies. Former managing director of MKTP Territorial Marketing and Global Marketing Manager of Invest in Torino Piemonte, he has directed and developed strategic planning and territorial marketing projects for the Regions of Tuscany, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piedmont, Lombardy, Valle d’Aosta, Basilicata and Puglia, the cities of Turin, Milan, Vicenza, Arezzo, Follonica, Oristano, Bari, Umeå (Sweden), Aomori (Japan), the Provinces of Turin, Savona, Monza/Brianza, Noord-Brabant (Holland), CIPRA (International Commission for the Protection of the Alps), Chuokai – NFSA National Federation of Small Business Associations (Japan). He is founder and member of the editorial board of International Marketing Exchanges Review.