Three stories of excellence: The Student Hotel, Laika and Dievole Press tour in the Tuscany of Tourism with Invest in Tuscany
Tuscany is among the few regions of Italy to have an office dedicated to attracting investment. “Invest in Tuscany”, a structure created within the presidency of the Region, has been working for 10 years to support and facilitate companies and...
Opportunity: 48.2 million tourists with a trend of continuous growth
That is what emerges from the IRPET report on Tourism in Tuscany in 2018. It shows an increase in arrivals of 3.8 percent in comparison to 2017 as well as growth in overnight stays in official structures (up 4.5 percent). A gratifying trend with an increase of more...
The Sense: an exclusive resort in Follonica
Nine months of work and an investment of 17 million euros to give life to a dream: “The Sense. Experience Resort”. Surrounded by nature, in Follonica, on the coast of Pratoranieri Tourist District, in the space that until 2016 housed the summer colony owned by the...
LVMH acquires Villa San Michele and Castle of Casole
The luxury giant LVMH has surprisingly announced the purchase of the group Belmond specialized in high-end hotels (46, of which 12 in Europe) and travel (Orient Express trains and cruise ships), behind a cash offer of 2.6 billion dollars. Belmond has a strong presence...